Top 5 Best Fight In Naruto Manga's, According Fans Opinions!

 Top 5 Best Fight In Naruto Manga's, According Fans Opinions!

05:- Rock Lee VS Gaara 

Winner:- Gaara

In the Chunin Exam, This Fight Given Goosebumps On Fans, Rock Lee was facing an uphill task of beating Gaara, who was the favorite for winning. At the beginning of the fight, Gaara was undaunted by Lee's continuous attacking. However, things rapidly changed when the latter dropped his ankle weights.

The change in plan allowed Lee to completely dominate Gaara. Gaara's sand couldn't keep up with Lee's pace, and it seemed that the prodigy from the Hidden Sand would be going back. However, Gaara managed to save his skin by cushioning the impact from Lee's Reverse Lotus. Then he crushed Lee's left arm and leg. After seeing Lee's dire condition, the match was stopped and Gaara was declared the winner.

04:- Kakashi VS Obito

Winner:- Kakashi

Fans Are Very Nervous In This Fight, The entire Naruto community was shocked when it was revealed that the Masked Man was none other than Obito Uchiha. The revelation left Kakashi stupified as he realized that his best friend was responsible for starting the Fourth Great Ninja War.

Obito vs Kakashi was a simple yet extremely engrossing fight. It has taijutsu of the highest level as the two fighters tried to get the better of each other constantly.

03:- Naruto VS Pain (Nagato)

Winner:- Naruto 

In This Fight, Naruto's Entry Given Goosebumps On Fans Community, Naruto vs Pain carries a lot of emotional weight as it involves two of Jiraiya's students fighting for their respective ideals. It was more than a clash of fists, it was a clash of philosophies, and it was Jiraiya's past vs present.

The level of animation in this fight was outstanding, and it's among the best-animated fights in the series. Naruto's entry atop the toad remains an iconic scene even after several years.

02:- Madara VS Might Guy

Winner:- Madara

In This Fight The moment when Might Guy opened his 8 inner gate was memorable for the fans, When Madara emerged as the Ten-Tails jinchuriki, the Shinobi Alliance lost all hope. With his ridiculous chakra reserves, he easily managed to overwhelm both Naruto and Sasuke. In this time of peril, Might Guy stepped up and took the center stage.

He opened the eighth and final gate of Death, which granted him a temporary power boost. Madara struggled to deal with Guy's power and he would have died if not for his incredible healing techniques.

01:- Sasuke VS Naruto 

Winner:- Sasuke

This Fight is most Loved For Fans Because Sasuke Come In Leaf Village After This Fight, Naruto vs Sasuke was the perfect way of bringing the series to a close. It is by far the best fight in the series. The animation is on an entirely different level in comparison to the other fights.

Naruto had to defeat Sasuke to bring the latter back to his senses. Naruto was holding back for the entirety of the fight, but Sasuke was out for blood. The fight ended with Naruto and Sasuke using their signature attacks and blowing off each other's arms.

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